Explosive Creations

Explosive Creations

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, u and v studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:19
Hey, this is Ruben with the City of Stars podcast. Here I'm interviewing up and coming artists in the Las Vegas music scene. Let's get into today's episode. Episode Three of CVS stores to be my

Unknown Speaker 0:37
man, Brando.

Unknown Speaker 0:39
Hey, how's it going, guys?

Unknown Speaker 0:42
All right, dude. We're talking about beauty. And so anyway, today we're talking about your specialty, which is building

Unknown Speaker 0:55
building. Yeah, so So you then mentioned about art that is correct. When whenever I build stuff, I think of it as art. I've never make it too complex, I usually just come up with imaginations, then I just bring it down to a piece of paper as an artwork. And after that I bring into real life a physical form. So it could vary from a explosive item, a flammable item or, or like a actual piece of artwork, you know?

Unknown Speaker 1:28
Alright, so what kind of things do you build.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
Also, also to your I build a vivid variety of things. So there was this one time, I had an idea to build a lighter that is filled with water. So basically, it might sound crazy, because water and fire doesn't match up, right. But if you look at it in a chemistry perspective, if you separate the water into two compounds, you can separate it to a hydrogen and oxygen. So with that being said, hydrogen is really reactive. So you could like when you put a spark on to the hydrogen gas, it could light up. Therefore, I don't know how I would separate the water is by connecting it to a battery. So the positive side will be creating oxygen, the negative side will be creating hydrogen. So I can get deeper into the concept. But that's basically it. So you can light water on fire. Basically, I can turn the water into fire. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:38
Then you're almost like, like a Greek god, you know? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
I kind of remind my eye. When I think about myself, I always remind myself of Rick and Morty for some reason, you know, kind of very similar in a way.

Unknown Speaker 2:54
Oh, you're like, you're Rick, kind of. I see it, but definitely make all kinds of crazy inventions, just for the fun of it.

Unknown Speaker 3:04
Oh, yeah. And it's all just for fun. Yes, that thing. That's the thing. It's all just for fun. I'm not even looking forward to create any big company that has to do with any of the projects that I make. I just want to build random things that comes out of my mind. So so that's why that's why I want to have more time in life and, and because of that, I try to get into business so that I can make more money. And then when I do have more money, I'll be able to afford more time. And once I have more time I'll be able to just stay at home in my garage and then just work on my projects without worrying about the world around me. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:41
That's such a nice goal to have. Yeah. So she has art as you know, you just love what you do so much. But you know, you got to eat. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 3:51
I do. Forget about food. So I get really skinny once I started working on my project. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:57
Okay, now, you told me a story. Was a Bank of China when you blew up something. And then was it like your cousin said stop doing that?

Unknown Speaker 4:08
Oh, yeah, that was actually in California. Okay, right. I moved to I moved to California and then I moved to Vegas, but when I was in California, I I didn't really do any of my homeworks in high school. I always be making projects and stuff like that. So basically, I wanted to make a flame thrower with a simple bottle. But but because I'm not I'm not too educated in the physics concept and the physics subject, I ended up creating a bomb instead of a flame thrower. So So basically the I can take I have hydrogen containing a bottle and I was hoping that when I stick a metal a metal tube into the into the bottle, I can light it up and flame will be coming out, but instead All the flame went inside and expanded and everything just exploded it Thank goodness I tested it horizontally because if I were to do it vertically, that metal tube would have went straight into my. Wow. Yeah. So you were like last night I wouldn't last night and after that I still I still make these projects

Unknown Speaker 5:20
well then it's such a crazy thing that happened and even after that, why are you still so compelled to keep making this awesome art? Because

Unknown Speaker 5:37
that's lesson that's interesting. Oh, that's an interesting question.

Unknown Speaker 5:42
I would say

Unknown Speaker 5:45
because I have I guess I get bored in life and I have nothing else to do so I just have to I have to focus on to a project I could find hobbies. I guess I could play video games but I also get bored of those kinds of stuff for me. It tickles my my spine tickles my brain allowed when I bring my imagination into reality. That's

Unknown Speaker 6:05
amazing. What's one more bigger projects you've handled

Unknown Speaker 6:11
one of the bigger projects I've handled then I don't know for me they're all They're all the same. I cannot I cannot find one that is a really hard project but if it's when it comes down to like size, I will say I I've made like an entire Terminator just out of cardboard. So it's not simple. It's not like simple box arms and legs. Like I actually made so much mechanisms, skeletons, skeleton designs, all with the cardboard even hinges, you know, all the rotatable? rotatable? What do you call it like joints and all of that kind of stuff? I made everything out of cardboard? Maybe Bice? Yeah, maybe by saying it it's kind of hard to imagine it but if you guys were to see a picture of it you guys can see that it has so much detail it can move 360 degrees very flexible, just like a regular human being. And I spend a lot of time on that and I call that art also to how

Unknown Speaker 7:17
they become like sentient like started attacking people

Unknown Speaker 7:21
start as I can be when I'm interested in an AI though, and trying to try and to make a a some sort of program they can think like a person yeah for myself though. Yeah. Not for that not for the world

Unknown Speaker 7:40
is bigger Jarvis and your bedroom. Yeah, okay, that's

Unknown Speaker 7:44
a like I said I just make stuff for myself. I'm not really interested in spreading spreading my adventures to the world. Well, yours

Unknown Speaker 7:52
so it's such a cool art form you're doing right? So you know what right now like AI? People are talking about a is it gonna ruin music? You know, people are seeing it just AI doesn't have any space for music because you could just program a have a whole Drake song using chat GPT like in a minute. But you on the other hand, you can use AI a kit even intertwine with what you designed. So I just want to know your thoughts. What's your thoughts with AI and art, AI

Unknown Speaker 8:33
and art or I heard you also mentioned music, the mean that also to

Unknown Speaker 8:40
sample Okay, so there are some forms of art that AI is affecting negatively people are seeing,

Unknown Speaker 8:47
okay, when it comes down to like art and music, it gets really complex because many people look at art and music very differently, some people likes likes to listen to the story of the music, they they they like the backstory of it, you know the like who created it, you know, they it gives you gives you a different feeling than just then then just having AI to Cray one. If you know that AI created then it's going to be as simple music you might listen to it, listen to it a few times. It's gonna it might be amusing at first but if it's going to be created by a person, you'll have more respect for the person you have more feeling when you listen to the music. So it's really really different as well as for art. Like for example, when you when you have like, like let's say let's say that I know you're right, we're really good friends where we're probably best friends, right? And then you made an artwork for me. Let's say it's worse than what AI created it but it's it has so much meaning because you created not the AI but of the AI crazy Even though if the, the artwork that AI created even though if it's better, I still wouldn't have as much meaning as as the one that you've given me. Hmm. So you're saying art has meaning is the meaning behind that? Okay, I

Unknown Speaker 10:14
got you. Now with your AI project, what do you think is your definition of meaning? So let's say you make AI as a part of an art project. What's the meaning? Because I haven't male artist is that put AI and art together it kind of keeps separated.

Unknown Speaker 10:39
What was the question again? No. So

Unknown Speaker 10:41
for you, you say you want to make like an AI project, right? Yes. Now what will be like the artistic meaning behind the AI? How can I say

Unknown Speaker 10:57
I cannot think of a meaning for this one. I just I just have a reason for it. I just want like an AI pet basically. Like, you know, the way how you see people have cats to pet right to cuddle with Yeah, I just wanted I just want a pet to interact with. That's all it's a Yeah. And it's AI that could just say hi to whenever, you know, ask a few questions how it's doing here and there. You know, it will see if it's, if it's, if it wants to learn something from me, that's all just to have it as a pet.

Unknown Speaker 11:28
Like a dog,

Unknown Speaker 11:29
basically. So

Unknown Speaker 11:32
um, I'm so fascinated more. I love talking to you about like, your designs, like your projects and with one like segue determinate, right? How do you even like, tackle that? How do you even do it? Like you see write it out on paper by how do you even like make it work and so I so I design

Unknown Speaker 11:55
stuff a lot of in my head. And there's so much errors going on in my head and I keep on redesignated in my head on. So works is just like the way I hope people would design things on computer right, there will change shapes, they will change forms. And so things are able to function the way how it's supposed to. So that's exactly what I do in my head. So I first focus on to the tiniest, tiniest piece I can think of and start expanding it. So I don't think of the entire design as a whole. But I think of it piece by piece and as are connecting everything together. And of course, so that so that I have to kind of keep the image in my head, I have to put it on paper. So I can look at it back and forth. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 12:41
Do it all in your head. But the papers like reference, right? Yes. So is it pretty easy than transferring, like your mental projection of it into like, an actuality? So is it pretty easy? Like, okay, this is why I think now I'm going to do and make it. Is it a pretty easy chance for us?

Unknown Speaker 13:06
Just directly where? Yeah, do you mean like from idea to paper and paper to project? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:12
is that a pretty easy process for you or that from

Unknown Speaker 13:15
i from idea to paper, it is a pretty easy process. Because when I think about the designs in my head, they change consistently, it's hard to get stuck with one with one idea. So that's why I have so much so much ideas coming in and out when it comes down to designing like specific complex parts. So I have to have to get a just just at least have a one specific image onto paper onto the paper before it changes to something else in my head. Ah, so

Unknown Speaker 13:47
you need the paper.

Unknown Speaker 13:48
I need the paper to make sure the the ideas stuck that way.

Unknown Speaker 13:53
Okay, I guys, that makes a lot of fun. So you're Terminator one. What did your parents think about it? Oh, are they like Holy moly.

Unknown Speaker 14:08
What did they think about I guess they got used to see me building random stuff. So that's just like, oh, another project that he's making. Yeah. Like AI dog. Yeah. Yeah, he's just making another project Yeah, so this point whatever I'm making explosive or something like that. There'll be like, Oh, that's just random building and stuff. You know, when he built you build in your garage. Oh, so So first of all, I started in China, right. That's where I was born and raised. So in China when I was building stuff I did in an apartment. I live in 18th floor. So there were times where something something actually also exploded in there. Right and it has to be more careful. i This is one time where I even connected the I had to cut a charger just so that I can charge charge the water and then I connect it I can acted that charger directly to the outlet and is connected to water. So something could have short circuited right. But thank goodness it didn't. So So yeah, I take a lot of risks also too. And when and then moving on to to California, I lived in my aunt's house and I would be doing outside so so that she has like a little garden. And I'll be doing it over there for garden. Yeah, the guide is fine. And now in Vegas, I'm living at a complex still like a an apartment, but we have a balcony. So I'll be doing stuff over there sometimes. But since since my projects are getting more complex, and a more expensive and I'm losing time also to so right now I'm not really making anything I am focusing a lot into making money business and, and just want to get over with school. Yeah, I want to get my degree already where I least learn the learn whatever materials they gotta learn. But

Unknown Speaker 15:57
that's the thing is, once you get the money, you can just focus on your projects. Yes, you know, retire early, you know, before 38 You just spend the rest of your life just blowing stuff up. Fun, you know, now, how's your success rate been? Has it been like more projects have not worked out? Or is it like most of the time, they work out and a couple of times it blows up?

Unknown Speaker 16:24
When it comes down to projects like like with hydrogen that the main goal is always to blow it up. Oh, were the other it was just I want to blow up. But it's just the way how I want to blow up. It's always different. And it didn't work out the way I wanted to. Yeah, so so yeah. And, and the rest of the projects has also has a lot to do with mechanisms. And they often work out a lot. There were only a few of few adjustments I had to make after make after. But I will say most of the time, the projects that are made that I make are always like 85% accurate. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 17:02
And where do you keep them? Because these are like pretty big projects.

Unknown Speaker 17:06
Right? Yeah, that's the thing. My my if I were to show you my a picture that I took back in China, you will see my room is just filled with tons of junk garbage projects all piled up together. I'll be picking up random junk that I find outside and and just hope one day I will try to make something from it, you know, but that doesn't happen often. That doesn't happen often. I always collect so much junk. Bring it home. My mom, my mom gets pissed. I'm like, wait, you know, I'll be making something from this one day. I can assure you I'll be making something out of this. But that never happens. I always felt like a hoarder. Yeah, I was collected. I collect a lot of junk, but never make anything out of it. Only when I actually have an idea. I would I would find the materials to make it but I never use the materials that I've collected. Oh, so you just collect junk. I collect junk, hoping that I'll be making something out of it. You know?

Unknown Speaker 18:02
It's like Fallout. Yeah. Adding to the wait, yeah. I was so cool, though. So is your room a lot cleaner now? Since you've moved on

Unknown Speaker 18:14
right now? Yes, it's it's a lot. Since I've moved a lot of things has been left in China. And I only kept a few few projects that I made before with me but that's all and I don't have I don't have much junk in my room anymore. Because I don't have time to work on these projects right now.

Unknown Speaker 18:36
Not right now. Not right now. Well, projects did you brought with you.

Unknown Speaker 18:41
So So back in China, I bought a 3d printer and I 3d print a lot of things. So I 3d printed a Eyerman helmet and I just I kind of like broke that apart and stuck it into to my suitcase and I brought it Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 18:59
that's awesome. Yeah. Now how was it? Building in China like when you were first starting out? How was it? Was it

Unknown Speaker 19:11
you know whether it's interesting or even started building?

Unknown Speaker 19:15
Oh, tell us

Unknown Speaker 19:21
Oh, I think I already started I think it started off when I was like when I was like five I just be destroying destroying toys. I'm sure that that's what a lot of boys do. They disassemble toys they break them apart

Unknown Speaker 19:34
and then match them.

Unknown Speaker 19:36
I you know I never I was never able to put them together because because my dad was this one time he got me like a transformer toy that was like worth $200 or something like that. I just destroyed the entire thing and I couldn't put it back together. It was too complex for me at that time. After that, moving like from I was A five to eight. I think around that range. I just started using cardboard to make a bunch of stuff. So, so be very simple just cut out holes and stuff like that make like helmets. And after that I started this, I started designing a lot of stuff that will be from like around 1010 to 13. I'm, I am assuming, right? It's kind of blurry my head, but that's what I'm thinking around that range. I just design a lot of stuff. I didn't really build much in after that. After that,

Unknown Speaker 20:36
let's see.

Unknown Speaker 20:38
I got Yeah, I think after age of 13, I started actually building stuff. And one of my first projects were like a, a robot arm that I made, or something like that out of cardboard and some motors and stuff like that. My dad took me to, to a to a class specified for for kids that enjoys engineering. So at that time, I also did some coding. We made an electric piano and stuff like that a lot of projects over there.

Unknown Speaker 21:09
How was it?

Unknown Speaker 21:11
When it comes down to actually yeah, so with those classes that I've taken with, with the project set does not interest me, I find it a little bit boring to make, for some reason. Really, yeah, it's very, it's very boring to to make projects that I have no interest. And so in these classes, they'll be teaching us how to make like, remote control cars. Like I said, the electric piano and so on, we made a drone, but those things does not interest me at all. And I still made them but it was very boring to me. And and yeah, so So that made me realized, you know, I will not be interested in working like for any companies at all, you know?

Unknown Speaker 21:55
Yeah, that's all you're gonna be doing. I'll be one product. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:59
I'll be I'll be so bored working working for other companies. So I would much rather you know, try to find ways to make make tons of money, stacks of money so that I could just have a lot of time work on my own

Unknown Speaker 22:12
project. crypto.

Unknown Speaker 22:15
Yeah, I tried crypto. I lost I lost a few 100 bucks.

Unknown Speaker 22:19
Yeah, I I wanted to get into it. And my friend. It was an old server. He's like, let's do a row. Let's do crypto together. He's like, trust me, bro. I know I'm doing that just put down 500 You will make like so much money by the end of the year. By the end of the year. I'm surprised in it. Because he was like, Dude, I lost all of it. It's dead. Again. He's like, Yeah, crypto died again.

Unknown Speaker 22:47
When was that? Dude, I

Unknown Speaker 22:49
was like, when the crypto die like a year ago.

Unknown Speaker 22:52
Okay. Yeah, that's when I lost my money. So yeah, it

Unknown Speaker 22:55
was like a year ago. Yeah. Like, no, I feel bad for him. But he's a good guy. He made a lot of money. So but so you the things you like to build are more like things I blow up?

Unknown Speaker 23:07
If it varies, it makes so so many different stuff. I cannot even it's hard for me to name everything. So

Unknown Speaker 23:18
now you don't have to name all of it. Okay, I know it's a lot is like in general, like What? What? What criteria do they have to meet for you to be interested in them? So are you interested to like move more or like, or not? For me, it's

Unknown Speaker 23:35
like, once I have an idea in my head, it doesn't really matter whether whether it moves or not. If I have an idea in my head, it just interests me my own ideas. That's all. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 23:43
So it's your ideas? Yeah. Other people? Yeah. Because like at the class, it was a teacher's idea.

Unknown Speaker 23:52
So so if I were to think of an electric piano myself, I'll be probably more interested in working on my own electric piano. Well, yours

Unknown Speaker 24:01
will be cooler. I'll play like carnies runaway. Being. Yeah. So cool. So would the Terminator. Would that be the hardest project you made? Or even harder work for me?

Unknown Speaker 24:22
Nothing's really hard. It just takes a lot of time. So I would say that Terminator took most of my time. Okay. Yeah. But

Unknown Speaker 24:29
there are other ones you get like, like that. Yeah. And you're just like done. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:34
I actually, I want to get my brother also interested into into these projects. Also, too, so we made we made a little hype. I think it was like a month or two ago we made a Hydrogen Generator out of a tic tac box. What Yeah, explain

Unknown Speaker 24:55
what sorcery is this?

Unknown Speaker 24:56
Like like a simple little tic tic tac toe? plastic container Yeah, right after we done using it all we did is just drilling two holes in there are actually three two holes so that we can insert a two metal wires so that we can connect a battery to it. And the third one is just so that the gas can come out. That's just that's basically it. And then we pour water mix with like other chemicals.

Unknown Speaker 25:22
Oh, yeah, I didn't worry. I went pretty well.

Unknown Speaker 25:26
He got he got really bored during the process because it did that took a while. As easy as it sounds it did took a while during the process. So you so you just started sitting there tinker around tinkering around with other junk that I have

Unknown Speaker 25:39
the junk collecting. Yeah. You know, it doesn't sound simple, though. Like for you. That's like, Oh, it's just two wires. But for me, I'm like, what's going on? I'm trying to like, keep up with what you're saying with my head like, oh, there's a lot of images I keep. I just keep thinking about Iron Man. Oh, yeah, he built it in a cave

Unknown Speaker 26:01
where the box was trapped. Like

Unknown Speaker 26:06
your cave is your bedroom. All the joke around? He was like the lab? Yeah. Yeah. So good. So when you have enough money to support yourself, you're gonna have like that. Passive income. That's right, right. Right. Right. So you'll be making money from just chilling, then you're going to go like full time into designing and making these products. Right. The

Unknown Speaker 26:34
What was your question? So basically, like, when when do I think what happened? Yeah. That I'm not so sure. I can set a goal, that's for sure. When I'm hoping to be able to get to that point. But I never know what's going to what's going to happen in life. So for now, I'm really hoping by the time I turn 23, I'll be able to get to that point.

Unknown Speaker 27:00
Okay. Yes, some time. Yes. A couple of years ago.

Unknown Speaker 27:04
Yeah, four years until that happens. Yeah, that's plenty of time.

Unknown Speaker 27:08
There's a yes or no, you could just make a revolutionary app out of nowhere sell it to Google for like 300 million. You just, that's all I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make an app. So I could retire early. Yeah, I'm trying to come up with like a really good app idea.

Unknown Speaker 27:25
It's funny, actually, because you can even think of a dumb idea. And you could still make millions of dollars like that. Flappy Bird?

Unknown Speaker 27:32
I know. I don't know. Because then it's not just an idea that you got like programming. I'm like, I don't know. I don't know how to do any of that. I want like, something cool. I don't know. I want to retire early. So, you know, before we leave, do you have any advice for people who are like you like, there are builders, and you know, they want to build more, but then life gets in the way you have any advice for them? Well, that

Unknown Speaker 28:04
doesn't matter which position you end we're who you are in life, you're always going to have problems in life. So you know, it's a, b, these problems these obstacles make you stronger in life. So keep keep keep going.

Unknown Speaker 28:22
That was the that was beautiful. Pure poetry, bro. All right, you'd like to say anything else before we end it

Unknown Speaker 28:34
was beloved dub dub.

Unknown Speaker 28:38
All right. Thanks for joining us. Thanks, Brandon for making the time to come over. All right, well, you guys have a great day.

Unknown Speaker 28:57
Thanks for listening. Catch us again every Wednesday at 6pm on the rebel and I a 1.5 HD.

Unknown Speaker 29:11
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

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