City of Stars EP 12

City of Stars EP 12

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, u and v studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education

Unknown Speaker 0:19
Hey, this is Ruben with the City of Stars podcast. Here I'm interviewing up and coming artists in the Las Vegas music scene. Let's get into today's episode

Unknown Speaker 0:35
oh hello and welcome to the brain episode series.

Unknown Speaker 0:39
Joined by Roy side side of man Ariana engro you guys already know what's up what's up? What's up? Thanks for having me Ruben. Oh sounds good. How you been doing I've been good I've been good it's been a crazy couple of weeks I definitely will say that but still in a lot of fun stuff man good so bless at the end of the day it's been a good one. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
And do you have what socials do you have so people can follow

Unknown Speaker 1:00
them so for my socials and everything you can follow me on Instagram at Lord side rapper I repeat, Lord side rapper. And then we also have the Lord side page on Facebook. ello rd s ID e. I repeat LRDSID And then we also got my room name area numeral two, but But yeah, follow me on there everywhere. All

Unknown Speaker 1:27
right, so do you are like, at this point in your crew? You're like a legit rapper. Yeah, shows Victorine you've been on a bunch of interviews and stuff, man.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
Yeah, definitely.

Unknown Speaker 1:40
Where should we start?

Unknown Speaker 1:42
Where should we start? Honestly, I mean, yeah, I mean, I got here like, 30 minutes ago, we were chilling and stuff like Yeah, honestly. I mean, I I'm, I'm here and everything. And I feel like this definitely could be another amazing widget interview. I'm not talking about anything. Yeah. Well,

Unknown Speaker 1:56
let's let's take it back then. How about what got you interacting?

Unknown Speaker 2:00
What got me into rapping? Oh, man. So I always love telling this story. Man rip to AP the grade is Anthony, my brother because he was the one that actually got me to rapping. So it was back in the summer of like, 2014 When we were young, and everything, you know, AP is like older than me and everything. You know, he, him and Orion, which was basically another good friend of mine and everything. I haven't talked to him in a very long time and everything, but we still talk from like time to time when we can. But they both were coming over every single day to come swimming. And we were always just doing rap battles and stuff. I mean, at that point, I was just watching, I was just entertained with what they were able to do. And I was mind blown. But I knew for a fact I'm like, I cannot wrap to say my life, you know, I'm thinking that at the time, but then one day, it's like, they come over to the house. And they are just, we're just writing everything down in the book like writing in a notebook. We're eating food, we're, you know, we're turning up and everything, we're getting something down and I'm finding out right there that I really can do this, you know, but there really was no love at the time. It was honestly just like, man, we're just gonna see who we can school who we can beat in this rap battle. But we're gonna be at school today. It was a lot of fun. Honestly. I appreciate everything that he has done for me growing up and everything. And, you know, as always, I'm always continued to keep his legacy going. RPP you know? Yeah, yeah. And

Unknown Speaker 3:29
when you were writing your rap battles, how did you guys always win? Or, um,

Unknown Speaker 3:34
we've had moments where we definitely would take some moments, like, I wouldn't say taken out or anything, but I'd say you know, we've had we've met some people that definitely were able to really knock it off. But at the same time, too, it was like with AP and Orion around it was like, it was like everything was just legendary right though, you know, because it's like you got two people that already been doing it for a long time. And me who just started but is already is already finding a way so it's like we always like got the wins most of the time. But we've had a couple people that came our way that were like and then it became legendary to in a moment when me and AP were starting to do rap battles together against each other. And, man, all I can say right now is you know, you want to get the goat like him. Has got everything in his pocket right there.

Unknown Speaker 4:30
Now, a storytimes I remember so used to school. Oh, yeah, definitely. Oh, yeah. And I remember for one of the like, assemblies do you perform? My first you as a rapper? Can you explain that? Like how do you got down there?

Unknown Speaker 4:49
Man? There were two assembly one so I guess I'm not the first or the secretary. Maybe both. Both? Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah. So anyways, um, you know, it was like during the timing, we were Watching those assemblies growing up and everything, and I noticed people were just doing performances all the time. And already at that moment when I was still with pilot records at the time, and there were shows already that I was already planning on doing that were not confirmed yet at the time. But it was something that we were still kind of waiting to see what what's going to happen. My first step became when I performed in the assembly, like the very first time, the Christmas one, I definitely remember that. That definitely, to me was like, it was amazing, because the reaction that came right after that, seeing what it was like to perform in front of a crowd for the very first time. And there was definitely a lot inside of me that was like, oh, man, like, this is happening nowadays, like this is actually happening. And, you know, at the time, when I was still, you know, close with Philip and everything, he let me borrow his jacket for that performance. And I remember that Jack. Yeah, honestly, it was a it was a really nice jacket. Honestly, you know, I mean, I'll talk to Phil about that much. But you know, shout out to him for letting me do that. You know, I still got love for him. Yeah, honestly. All

Unknown Speaker 6:07
right. So you know, after school. Do you guys where did you start? Go? How did your career started going?

Unknown Speaker 6:15
So after school, my career was really at that point now where it was really like on the way, but the thing was, was that I wasn't really aware of where it was going. So after school and everything, it was like, you know, I had a full time job at Burger King. That was my first job. And at that time, I kind of already like took a little break from the music because after things didn't really work out with parley. I was honestly just a bit bitter and disappointed with things that were kind of happening. And not really just on that part. But more of just like I really was losing my touch really like my love for music after everything that happened at that time. But see, it was kind of right in the middle of that time when my mom met someone that would change my life for the better. Many people that have changed my life for the better, which was Stan Doris, Wilma, you know many more to you know, Walmart is my manager now and everything, you know, we still work together. But stairs, my mom is Stan. And my mom was just like, my mom has always been my biggest fan and supporter. You know, I love my mom today. She was telling stand like, My son doesn't music, he got this, he got that. And when get high was on the verge of getting released and everything, which still is one of my biggest songs to this day. And honestly, it kind of got me on to the map in a way. A lot of really changed right after that, like, you know, I was getting told that I would be going on I gotta hear for an interview. And then right after that, it was like, everything just changed. You know, we're doing like so many shows. Now, at this point. We're really just rocking out. Everywhere around Vegas, we're going on tour, first ever tour was Utah and everything, which that was a lot of fun. But I was still young at the time, so they wouldn't let me set a nightclub. But just like, like, like you stated, like, so much really was happening a lot right after school. And I wasn't truly aware of what was happening. It all happened so fast and crazy moment in time. You know, I'm still blessed and thankful for it, you know? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:17
And how was it? You know, you're, you know, pretty low in life. And yet, but obviously, your career hit this high point. Oh, um,

Unknown Speaker 8:30
so when I hit so the low point was really like. So it was at that time when we were really getting started with the music. And at the time, I kicked it with a lot of people that, you know, I was, I thought I was friends with at the time to see, you know, exactly who's there for you, like, you know, shout out to my ones all my day ones who are still there for me to this day. But there were those people that saw what I was able to have, like, you know, when I got when I was poor with VMR, which is now I gotta hit. And when the parties were starting to get more lit, a lot of people were really just there to get something out of me, you know, like, you know, and that's kind of where the addictions really started to happen for me in my whole point, you know, me and a lot of people at that time were really, we were really addicted, like we were out. Yeah. And the thing about it was like, my team was noticing too, you know, they've told me, they were telling me so many times at that moment, you know, like at one point, it almost just didn't really work. You know, we honestly could have just ended and stopped everything right there, you know. But I realized too, that at the end of the day, I didn't really want to go that route. I wanted to make sure that my love and cry for what I can do was still there, you know, and that's honestly what comes with the lifestyle when everything is starting to blow up. You know, you find out who's really there to really to support you and who wants to see you come up. And then you also know to who's kind of just there to get something out of it. because you're getting any, you know, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 10:01
let's talk about your, your, probably your two biggest fans, your mom and your manager, talk about them how

Unknown Speaker 10:11
our then. So my manager, well my man shout out to him, you know for like everything and not just musically but personally wise to you know, this man is like family to me, you know, he definitely is my older brother. He's like a father figure. And the guy really is one of those dudes who can make you laugh, he can make you happy. And most importantly, he can also tell you exactly what it is that you need to do to better yourself each and every single time, you know. And we've had moments to where, you know, it's been ups and downs and everything, but it was in those moments, I just couldn't really understand what he was trying to tell me in everything. You know, like the man all my life and almost all my career the man has taught me what to go for what not to go for. And a lot changed in that aspect. As I was growing up. See, when I was young, I always just felt like man like what else does man talking about? You know, like, he just seems like everybody's crazy. But yeah, the truth is, there is a lot of people out there that really are like, man, you'll meet him and you're just know. But much love to him. I know a man like me, him like man, me, him and bond, which is a son and everything. And we're like a whole team. We're still going short to this day, you know? And then my mom, my mom, who has, she's been my biggest supporter, like since day one. You know, whenever there has been shows and everything like that, she will go right over the roof. And still to this day, when she calls me you'll even ask her, she'll always be like, he sent me another song. He sent me another song like When does she ever woke me up from sleep. I'm like, Mom, obviously, you know, I'm awake, you know. But every moment that I do get to go see my mom and everything, I always give her like a little snippet, a little performance here and there and all that, because you know, she really loves that stuff. And I really do feel like me and my mom kind of have like the same personality just like I feel like me and my dad to also have like the same personality as well. And me and my God, we actually do assemble we look like and everything you know. Yeah, but honestly, like, my biggest supporters Now honestly, you know, there definitely is a lot more to and everything, but it's probably always

Unknown Speaker 12:22
well, that's the thing is you have a legit team, you got a lot of people working behind the scenes helping you through career. Yeah. How's that? Having a team?

Unknown Speaker 12:33
Oh, man. See, I think it's, I think it's always amazing to have a team around you. Because there's many artists out there that always like to say, you know, I did the show on my own, I did the show on my own. I mean, I'm never gonna be that person to say I've done it on my own. You know, like, I'll probably say I wrote my songs and everything, because it's true, you know, I write my songs and everything, but behind the scenes of doing the beats and setting up for the shows and everything like that, you know, it's amazing having a team like that, because see what my team, it's more than just like the work that gets done in everything, you know, we really are like family, you know, so it's always a lot of fun, what we get to do, like, there's days where we will do something, it could be good, sometimes it could be bad, but at the end of the day, you know, we'll just go back, we'll go back, you know, we'll take a shot and everything like that, and we just laugh about it. Because we know that we can only get better as we go. And it's amazing getting to have a team that really is like that, where, you know, they are my family. At the end of the day, you know, like, I've done so much for me that I don't really know how many times I can thank them. But I think the way that I am thanking them is continuing to take the process of, you know, growing and learning and continuing to keep on going. And I mean, I was like 15 at the time when you know, I started doing music. It was it was about when I was like maybe 17 or 18 when I met Wilmont and Stan and Bridgette you know, back when we were like a whole team for Vegas mob, you know. And now it's like, you know, a lot of people may not be around like that anymore. But you know, at the end of the day, there's still much love that we have for everybody outside the community. You know, we all just take different routes, sometimes we all just have different routes that we take. That's why now it's like with the rock shows that we are doing. It's like it's a whole different route. Still the same thing but a whole different ballgame. You know, it's amazing, like what we get to do now with this new craft.

Unknown Speaker 14:25
Yeah, yeah. And how would you describe your music?

Unknown Speaker 14:29
I would say my music to be like, it's, it's fun. It's inspiring. It's, it's lit it's, it's a vibe, it's a mood. It's pretty much everything that you could be looking for. Like if you want to have a moment where you feel something and everything that will be there having fun and everything that's going to be there. My music kind of revolves around all and I definitely do love the craft of what it has turned out to be, you know, the process does get get harder as it goes on, you know, because, you know, you ask yourself what's going to be the next move? What's going to be the next story, you know, because so many stories get told when you know, you're performing the songs and when you're making the songs, you know. And the question always remains next is like, you know, what's next? You know? Yeah, honestly. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:22
Well, with the crowds, you know, they're changing, as you guys are playing different kinds of music at your shows. How is it with the crowds?

Unknown Speaker 15:32
Oh, man. Man, these crowds, man, these crowds are fucking hazy, man. I'm gonna just say right now, when we were like, before we even generated into rock and everything, the crowd was always still lit, it was always so decent and everything like that, you know, but this new crowd that we do with the rock shows now it's like, you, we can't ever walk, you can't even walk inside that shit. You know, unless there's like a mosh pit going on, where you can spread open, that's about it. But dude, these crowds that we've had as a lately have been honestly, the best crowds we've had in a long time, you know, because everybody that is coming to these shows are really just here, not to just have a good time, but they're here to turn out, they're here to have fun, you know, they're, they're there for the love of these bands that come out to perform, you know, like getting a chance to perform with bands like rumination. Suicide kills Sundogs. Out of my mind, you know, many more like, ever since we've got a chance to perform with these bands, it's been so amazing to see what the crowds have gone on. To really be a shout out to all those bands. You know, we actually do have a show coming up with rumination concept for malady going down, May 6, so make sure you guys come out, check that out and everything you know, but yeah, these crowns are really just crazy. You know, they're big. They are.

Unknown Speaker 16:59
And with you, what's your process with making music that touches those people, because you could, you could pick anything, but it sounds like you guys make music that actually resonates with people actually get people having a good time. Of course,

Unknown Speaker 17:14
I think the process of that is always just, you know, create something that the people can feel, you know, the people that people can truly relate to, because it's very easy for people to relate to, like, you know, smoking and drinking and turning up and partying and stuff. I mean, yeah, we still perform that music. I mean, majority of my songs do have a you know, but it's because, you know, it's the vibe, you know, it's the vibe that what you can truly do, but I think what touches them more is when you hit on serious topics, you know, like some people really could still be facing depression, some people are still having like suicidal thoughts and everything. And some people are really just grieving over loved ones that passed and everything you know, and, you know, when you do a combination of all those things, and you do it on a show and everything, and people just have that feeling, you know, it's like, we're there, we're here to have fun, we're here to turn up. But we're also, we also know that we can maybe here's some things tonight that can maybe change our life, you know, I have a song called still here today. And every time I perform that song, now it touches me a lot more because the song really just touches about friends that we've lost along the way due to like addictions and stuff like that. But like, you know, it doesn't only just pay tribute to them, but the message also just ask yourself in the song like after everything that's went on, for not just myself or everybody out there that has faced it. It's more of just now like, dang, why am I still here today? But it's not asking in a bad way. It's honestly you're just you're thinking God, you know, you're thinking God and you're just asking yourself, like, you know, what, what's next? You know, what's what's going to be the next story, you know? So it's like, for these shows and everything he shows really just off a combination of all you know, sounds amazing, it is honestly it gets better as it goes and everything and that's why I'm like super excited, again to perform a Concept of normality and rumination because for two bands like that they really just have have that style that's like you really can relate to the message even if you don't truly understand it like that because when you're performing with the bands that are really good at the screen motion the one like like I'm still trying to get that down. I don't think I'll be able to get that done. Oh, the screaming Yeah, they like It's like somehow you still understand exactly what they are saying and within the message they're trying to they're trying to go for and everything but these are two bands that are like they're on their way. They are on their way to the top, you know?

Unknown Speaker 19:43
And if people want more information about these shows, where can they find it?

Unknown Speaker 19:47
So if you want more information about the shows and everything later on today, I will be posting an Instagram post which is basically gonna be a video promoting our next upcoming show. And you know, basically it's at the I gotta hit club Given everything I just was gonna be on there at the time is going to be on that it's gonna be all right there and everything and okay yeah so that's all gonna be there and everything man comm check it out guys.

Unknown Speaker 20:08
So follow you and yeah, everything

Unknown Speaker 20:11
yeah follow me on there like i said i loads I rapper and all that and also follow these bands and everything and like constant formality rumination and edit might be more suggested to you on Instagram honestly.

Unknown Speaker 20:21
Yeah. So, you know, I was looking into representative first starting right? Yeah, and it sounds like there's a lot of obstacles, there's a lot of hurdles to get over with you what keeps you going? Because there's a process there's no, there's not just like, you made one sapphires?

Unknown Speaker 20:48
Rubies? Because I mean, you coming in with a really good question today. I love it. I think I think what kind of kept me going was the fact of accepting myself, you know, because as time went on, and as time goes on, and this has happened to multiple artists, you know, and I can even admit to I've had a little bit of a change at times, you know, sometimes in life, we get to a point where when we start off at something, you know, we're facing the criticism and the hate verse, you know, when we're first starting, not really realizing that it's just people that just want to see us grow, and they just want to see us do better. You know, so many times, a lot of artists don't truly take that in, and they honestly go a different route, and then ends up not being the way that it should be, you know, not being their actual natural story, you know, so, for me, it was kind of like, knowing that I'm different from many artists, you know, that I'm not the same, and that I like different things, and I do different things, you know, that was honestly, what kept me going is having to accept that I'm not like everybody else, you know, like, I'm my own person, I will always be my own person. And even if you have those inspirations that you are trying to be like, you never could be them and you never will be them. You know, it's it's always going to be just you, you can only really just be you. And I think that's kind of a thing that has happened before where, you know, we've tried to maybe be like someone at one point. And we've just realized that the other day, it's not the move, you know, we can only just be us, we can only do us, and that's really just a add on at the end of the day, you know, yeah, I think that's what kept me going every day was just, you know, having people my like, you know, my solder nation supporters, fans, my family, friends, you know, even God, when I'm praying and stuff like that, telling me that, you know, you're just your own person. So create Wait, you know, what you can do? What you can create what you love, and what ever happens on the other day, whether they love it or not, you took a race you did something? Because you did it, you know? And what do you love? How now love a lot of things, you know, food? I mean, man, I mean, who does not give him but man, I mean, honestly though, what I do love when it comes to the music is honestly what you kind of just feel when you're on that stage, when you're inside the studio inside the booth. What you really can make and all that but outside of my normal life and everything I love hanging out with my loved ones like my friends that are like my family and stuff like that, I love going to see my mom from time to time. I love the days when you know I'm traveling and stuff like that, I still have times to you know, I'm in the crib, you know enjoying myself. We're so you know, we're doing those things, you know, like, we were really just enjoying ourselves every day. And I just love them like we would like to.

Unknown Speaker 23:44
Yeah, it's a wonderful schedule going up because not only are you working really hard, making a lot means you also take time for yourself. You know, sometimes you meet artists isn't ALA, kind of forget about self love, they kind of go down this rabbit hole.

Unknown Speaker 24:05
Honestly, man like now that now that you said that another thing I really love that you said that because like, Man, I think that definitely is something that does need to get talked about more because see, a lot of people will look at us and they think like we have it all, you know, like we have this time to be to ourselves sometimes. You know, I think for most for most people they feel they have to just keep on striving and they gotta keep on going. So that way that they don't have to really pay attention to what's killing them and to what's bothering them. And I think that's really important because there's many times where you do have to stop and you do need to take a break and you still need to have time to be with, you know your loved ones and those that are rooting for you because sometimes in life we kind of just forget about what's really there because we feel we have to keep getting pushed, we have to keep on striving we got to keep on going you know Yeah, many people just like really kind of like meditate into other things in that moment. Like, that's kind of how the addictions come up. And that's how the process ends up being like a whole bad mix. Now at that point, like I feel more people just need a, like, we just really need to reach out to more people in those moments that are really hurting and really struggling. And those moments feeling like they gotta keep on going. But the truth is, you don't have to, you know, like, just relax, enjoy yourself, downtime to yourself, though, at the end of the day, and, you know, make sure that you are keeping yourself safe. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:31
And so refreshing. Meaning artists like you, you're actually taking the time to enjoy the success. You know, I was, there was an interview, I was watching Jay Cole. Yeah, he was explaining that. He was so focused on making music. So focus on the next hit. Yeah, he will be on tour. And he's just I wish I was president. I wish I was. Yeah, I hear them all the time. Say that. While we went by so fast. I wish I actually enjoyed it. I was just too focused in words.

Unknown Speaker 26:04
Yeah. I mean, yeah, at some point in time, you know, we hit a really good point in our career, you know, I'd say like, 2021 was a pretty good year for me. That was a year where I've had, there were multiple interviews happening multiple shows, I was even doing movies at the time. You know, like, for movies? Actually, I saw that. Yeah, that was actually a lot of a lot fun. Actually, you know, those movies, shout out to mom court for that and everything. I had a lot of fun doing those movies, working with amazing cast crew at that time. Yeah, at some point in time, in our careers and everything, we hit a point where everything really is going great, it's going well, and you're loving everything that is coming with, with that and everything. And even at the time, outside of that and everything, you know, I was still happily in love at that time. I had a lot of things, you know, I felt like at the time, I was like, a God, I had it all, you know, but that's the thing, you know, you don't really realize exactly what you have until it's gone. You know? And I think that at times, we take advantage so much of what we do, and we feel we need more of that, that we tend to forget exactly who was really by our side all that time, you know, yeah, it's sad, honestly. But you know, sometimes we kind of just feel like, we gotta keep striving because, you know, life waits for nobody life just goes as it goes each and every single day, you know, it like the world spins each and every single day. So we always just feel like, man, time is just running out, we got to do this, we got to do this. I tend to learn all the time, you know, there's, yeah, sometimes there really isn't much time, sometimes there is. But you just got to go with the process of what you do exactly what it is that makes you comfortable and makes you happy. And also be thankful for the many people that not only paved the way for you, but those people that are behind you, you know, I have love for each and every single one of my supporters aside our nation, family friends, like all those people that have been with me throughout this journey of mine, which has had a lot of ups and downs had a lot of downs. But the truth is, most of those downs really taught me a lot of amazing things that mountaintops could never really teach you. As dean. Honestly, dude, it's like, you know, I remember one day somebody told me that exactly, I think it was, I think it was Sophie, my sister, you know, shout out to her and everything, you know. You know, she's has always told me so many things that when they hit now, it's so amazing, like, being able to share those experiences now. Because it's like, man, it's been out for me so much and not just her but you know, my my old friends group, you know, like people like TCL Toine. Cesar Joe Joe baddie, via, you know, many, many people have definitely I still there, you know, and many people have definitely fell and leapt off and everything, you know, I'm really sad for those people that definitely did, because it's things like that, that I would have never done to them, you know, but you got you're at a point in your life now where you have like a regular job, still have the career and you still have many things that are making you happy, and yet there's people out there that don't let that they still jealous of what you do, and they just will do whatever they can to ruin that for you. It's pretty honest. It's sad, honestly, you know, but that's the thing like always being aware and always being careful about who's there who's not there.

Unknown Speaker 29:30
Yeah. And as I say, we went by really fast. I had a great time talking with you. I

Unknown Speaker 29:38
honestly it was.

Unknown Speaker 29:45
Thanks for listening. Catch us again every Wednesday at 6pm on the rebel nya 1.5 HD two

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