Falling with Spirits

Falling with Spirits

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in K, u and v studios. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:18
Hey, this is Ruben with the City of Stars podcast.

Unknown Speaker 0:23
Here I'm interviewing up and coming artists in the Las Vegas music scene. Let's get into today's episode.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Hello, welcome to the new episode of cities stars today I am joined by Lucy Westberg How are you doing Lucy? I'm doing pretty good. I just released my the first chapter of my webcomic earlier this morning. Oh, no way this morning this morning. Gradually. A little bit of comics. I've read the like fandom ones I know. It's a little like silly, but it makes some good ones. Yeah, mines mines fully original like a completely original story. I can't wait to hear about it. I love it. I literally have so many questions. I don't know where to start. I got to say how do you feel? are very, very proud. It's 24 pages. It's fully like in color.

Unknown Speaker 1:15
I put it up on global comics tapis and webtoon. It's called Spirit falls. Bear falls here it falls. Yes. Okay. Wow. Terribly. There is a waterfall by the same name somewhere in I think Washington. So that makes it hard to Google just Spirit falls and have it come up but that's okay. Yeah, if you Google Spirit falls calm make it comes up. I checked. Okay, good. Yeah. Well, yeah, you work so hard. And you're like, why am I getting pictures of a walrus? Yeah. Well, the town in the story is named after the waterfall, which is also called Spirit fall was very confused. Oh, okay. Very just coincidental. Yeah, but you don't know what to your Elisa. Yeah, no, like, there's somewhere in some small town in Washington doesn't waterfall and and yeah, you just don't know. It's such a cool name, though. Yeah, it's one of those things. You just gotta go with her. And he has, it could get very popular. So you could be showing up before the actual waterfall? Yeah, that's what I hope that's yeah, I researched that, like, a couple of months. Like, right when I started drawing it, like officially, like because I had the script for like, a year or something before I started drawing anything. Yeah. And then like, I like, because I like had like a big list of like, possible names that like I could call the town and the comic, um, and Spirit falls was like, they were all terrible. Until I wrote down Spirit falls. And I'm like, oh, that has like, 10 different meanings. I have to go with this. Now. It's a great name. It's very, like, open to interpretation as good. I mean, it kind of reminds me of like, Gravity Falls. Yeah, I love that show. And I'm just kind of like, you know, is very like, what does it mean? It really plays in well with like the show itself. Like supernatural. Yeah, it ends up being pretty good. That reminds people of Gravity Falls because it is the same type of thing with a small town mystery. And like, there's more going on. And you're like, did trying to find out like big, big secrets. Okay, well, let's talk about let's talk about it. And so, without giving away too much, what's kind of like the synopsis was a kind of about, you know, ah, Luna chance is a animation student living in LA. And she is like, the most burned out person alive. Like she cannot keep doing this degree. And she takes a vacation to meet her friend Brooke, who she's not like she knows her online for like five years now. And she goes to meet her in person for the first time. And, um, she's never seen a picture of her before, in all these five years. And she goes there and she finds out that Brooke is actually a niad a water nymph, and she lives in the in the waterfall basically, that that the town has named after. Okay, so there is like, there's a veil that like keeps people from seeing like the magic around them normally, like you can see it but like you don't think about it. Like your best friend could have like antlers. And you'll you can tell people like oh yeah, you know the guy with the antlers and no one thinks about it. Yeah, so I'm like, when they step into Spirit falls that like magic creatures, that veil is for some reason that will be explained later lifted. And thus they can never leave the town without everyone like seeing them for what they are in thinking it's weird. So it's like, so they look one way to train anyone? Yeah, oh, that's just a normal person. Or reality. Or like, like a mystical, mythical creature 10 heads or something like you wouldn't think anything of it unless they've like stepped into into town like specifically city limits on its lifted and they can never like get it back. So the town is like, it's all these magic creatures that are like stuck there by that like circumstance. Brooke is actually the only one who like, technically belongs in the town.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
It seems like she formed out of the lake so she like she can truly never leave. The other ones like they could physically leave. They just can't because everyone would like to see them. They can't reenter society. Yeah, well either we tell the guy with 10 head yeah, we're gonna Starbucks.

Unknown Speaker 5:16
Wow, that sounds really good actually. So was inspiration What made you think about that sounds really good? That's a great question. I've it's been so long I kind of forgot like what everything was that made me do that. Um it's I had like a prequel or sequel I guess series that like I made when I was like a kid. Like, I didn't make it. But I was like, thinking of the idea. And it's like the same type of like magic system and powers and stuff. And it's like, it was just such a grand scale. And I was like, okay, if I'm going to make this I have to, like, make a real story first because it sucked. It was terrible. Yeah. But I was like, you know, we need to like walk it back and like make it like small scale so then I came up with like the town you know, the it's only one town they can't leave the town ever in the comic and all that sounds good. Yeah. As it went on. Joe Joe's Bizarre Adventure. Part Four was like a big inspiration more Euro with like the, you know, it's also set like entirely in a small town. Okay. Yeah. That's a pretty interesting anime. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:19
But, um, let's talk about that script. You see you've had it for like a year. Yeah. Did you like not want to touch it? Or do you like didn't know what to do with it? Or I knew what I wanted to do with it. It's just I was trying to write like way far in advance because like, it's a mystery. So like, if I wanted to change stuff, I wanted to have like, a long leeway before I had like started drawing anything. Because like, I hate for like, Oh, I'm drawing page 24 of the first chapter and I want to change this

Unknown Speaker 6:49
chapters one through nine are like does a first draft of all of them but you still have to be fixed up heavily.

Unknown Speaker 6:56
Well, that's that's the fun. That's when it starts getting fun. You a lot of layout. Yeah. Yeah, like a little rough drafting. Like, I can make this but I could do that. Yeah, you just start picking it apart. Yeah, no, I feel that for every chapter except through I've rewritten Chapter Three like a dozen times. I do not like anything but the last thing really are you still rewriting everything

Unknown Speaker 7:19
eventually is gonna come you're gonna like I'm gonna have to allow it to stick with something and yeah, but you never know because sometimes that's like some of the best or you keep coming for something. I don't know why but as a creative they're just some a lot of things just flow naturally done easy Yeah, it just it will be the silliest things ever like you know what? I don't like that character's name. I don't know why Yeah, I don't know if it's like like something grander for like the story or maybe I'm just nitpicking but like, you know, I'd be like writing books. I'm just like, I don't like that name. Yeah, and I would just change the name like 20 times like everything else is fine, but just just that name i don't know i have um, I like overcame learning problem it by making a bigger problem out of it. Every every character has like a really stupid like Pong either in their name or like, behind like their very concept. So like, I'm like, Brooke Her last name is Lynn she's Brooklyn and

Unknown Speaker 8:21
and then there's a character that appears next chapter. No one likes her like everyone thinks very low of her are her name is Wanda leech, what a leech. And like, it's just stuff like that. Like Luna is the only one with like a kind of normal name. Her name is Luna chance, which is not normal, but it's like it doesn't have like, really a hidden meaning. It's it's definitely a more like, plausible name like Yeah, I can't meet someone like Luna yet. But that's like a lot. Last Name. There's somewhere nice and I'm like, What's your name? Excuse me? Yeah, so Luna chants? That's more normal. Yeah. Leach very on the nose. Yeah. There's like a whole family with the leeches and ah, the brother is called Wilson Wilson. It's very tortured. Ah, yeah. Yeah. A lot of wordplay a lot of wordplay I love it there's there's a um I guess I didn't mention this like later on like, because it's a mystery. They have like solved the mystery they get involved with the magical mafia in the town. Sounds amazing. Yeah, so there's a lot of like combat and stuff for them like magic. Like Luna has to like learn magic and or pretend you learn magic to like not immediately get like killed by all these guys in the mafia who like use a magic spell. So I'm like, it's called a curse they all have like the power system as a curse they make like basically a deal with the devil and like, it is like a weighted scale like they give they give stuff away on one end and they ask for it on the other end and like always bounces so like, they want to try and like off

Unknown Speaker 10:00
For a deal that's balanced, but like, they can offer like too much of themselves and like, their power gets stronger, but like, they'll feel the cost of like I gave up, like, whatever I can't, like, I can't like look behind me whatever like, oh, so again, you know, with you know, as much as you want to explain or like keep some like so, like new for readers explain the power system. Um, yeah, like I said like, the most people have a curse where they they specifically do like a magic ritual they set up like candles in a circle and all that and summons are this little demon guy who's like in a robe he has like, the only thing you really see is like one really long, scraggly claw. And it holds like a scale on both ends. And first you have to offer up like what you want, like you're like, I want to breathe fire or something. And then that end of the scale goes down. And then you like, you offer up like, but I only want to be able to do it up to like this, like this many degrees or something and the other end like kinda goes down. But like, once once you switch between, like what side you're weighing, like, you can't change it. So like, if you offer like I and I want to, like only be able to do it on Tuesday, and the other side goes down too far. Like that's, that's it you over promised. Oh, so what happens on um, it just like balances out like it's it's weaker or stronger, like, depending on what happens. But like, Yeah, but the other end like goes down automatically. So it's always like a balance of like, you want to offer up enough that you balance it. But like if you offer up too little and like your time runs out, it's a very short timeframe like a minute. Um, then the little demon guy basically like makes up his mind for you. It's like, it's like supposed to be like an impartial, like feature of the universe and stuff. So like, yeah, just anything can happen and you don't want to like leave it up to just like chance. Well, that makes sense. Because you're no longer like in control. You're letting the university lay the demon Yeah, like, Oh, what if it makes it like freezing cold? Or, you know, I don't know, like, once you fire but fire that. Yeah, only big muffins or something. Exactly. Yeah. Like, there is a way to do like magic specifically, like, by themselves, like without, like a curse. But it's like super hard because you're like, you're like channeling like an energy that's in like everything. And you have to be like, making like, you're basically doing the same like deal thing with like the universe but without like, the little guy there. So it's like, if you want to like cast fire, you have to be like, I want it to be this color in this heat and be like exactly here. And like you have to really envision like every aspect in your mind. And the more you you haven't envisioned, and like left up to chance, the more energy it takes. And like you have to be like thinking on like, atomic levels, like for like really high level stuff. So it takes a ton of energy. And that's why like no one really does it. And they all get Bucharest instead. So the demon even though it's not like,

Unknown Speaker 12:59
ideal, he's like a mediator. Yeah. So he kind of, you know, kind of sounds like we're getting your taxes done. Yeah. And he goes, see someone? Yeah, he's doing your taxes for you.

Unknown Speaker 13:10
Because you could go like hanging on your own, you know? Yeah, that makes

Unknown Speaker 13:14
you know, when you're coming up with it sounds like you're focused on like, balance. Why do you strive for like, like, some kind of like a balance in your system? Um, mostly because I just I find it like, pretty bad when it's like, Oh, this guy's like the strongest like genetically or whatever. Like this guy has the best magic he was was born with it or whatever. Or even like, oh, he trained to be like, the best magic guy and he has this exclusive thing. Ah, so the concept was really like, I want anyone to be able to do anything technically. And like what they can do says something about their character.

Unknown Speaker 13:50
That makes a lot of sense. Yeah, no, that's such a I think it's a great way you're keeping characters from going like, like on godmode exactly like I love anime, but there's sometimes there's this character, and there's a blink of literally blink of an eye. And Nayeli civilisations like why is he here? Yeah, why is he so broken? And how can even really defeat him? You mean and then all of a sudden, they'll come up with like a weird weakness as like but he's does it like a wet so lay that doesn't like balance it out. You're like, how you go from knocking out civilizations to Oh, raindrop and you're dead. Yeah, yours is really, really realistic. Yeah, it sounds like if the universe was like, allowed to give you powers. It was still kinda it has some kind of like safeguard on Yeah, I mean, there's some thought put into Yeah, I just like oh, he was just born of a you know, widow and yeah, the chosen one. I don't know. I just think about Star Wars. Yeah, just like that. Like I really don't like any Chosen One. Like I'm like a big part of it is like that anyone could do anything like what happens in the story comes from

Unknown Speaker 15:00
The character is not from like, there's no like bloodline or prophecy or anything like that. It's, it's pretty grounded, I think. No, no, it's, it's perfect because it's more, the person themself is not like some kind of title, or something they were born into it really says a lot about the person themselves, what kind of power they want to kind of use? What kind of curse? Yeah, we're willing to get into that. Just, it makes it more personal. Yeah, it really does. That's a great idea. The one exception is actually is Brooke. Because she was like born from the lake and all that she she has like waterbending essentially powers with any water that's from the lake, which is the town's water source. So like basically anywhere. But um, for some reason, she can't do any magic at all like her and Luna at one point will be trying to learn magic to like to like, keep Luna alive face. Yeah. And Luna can do like a little bit of magic. Like this is like this is after the prologue. This is like a year down the road or something because the prologue is gonna take forever. It's so many pages. Um, but Lunas thing is eventually basically, she can do like one act of magic and she's like, wiped out she is like on the floor. She can't get up like she has to, like finish it and like save herself with that one or she is like, completely vulnerable.

Unknown Speaker 16:19
Yeah, I love it. You know, characters like Luna are exciting because they're us. You know, she she's us stepping into this new world. I always love those kind of stories. Yeah, it's kind of like, again, like, again, I just think like Harry Potter really gives me like, you know, I mean, it's just a whole new world. And his reaction is our reaction. Yeah, I can't and I could probably imagine Lunas reaction for our gonna be our reaction. Yeah, well, maybe not. I don't like Luna very much. That's, that's literally, I think she's a great character because I don't like her like as a person. She's obnoxious. Okay, explain that. Because she is such an important character. She is an important character. And it's like, it's like, the whole point is like, like, I think she's probably likable. Like to most people, not to me specifically.

Unknown Speaker 17:10
As like a protagonist, like she says some really like cringe like Marvel dialogue, things like her first spoken line. In the whole story. Like after 14 pages of buildup in chapter one, like fair, she takes like this long journey to get to the town of Spirit falls. And she sees Brooke for the first time and like, learns magic is real. And her immediate reaction is like a panel of dead silence making a weird face. And she goes, Ah, okay, this is awkward.

Unknown Speaker 17:39
But you purposely wrote her like this. It sounds like a trope. You're making fun of like the, because a lot of Marvel characters they are like, but they're trying to be serious. Yeah, you see, like, no one talks like that. I think some people do. Like, I know people who do like a little bit. And like, that's, that's the type of person Luna is like, the one who watches too many cards, oh, my God thinks of everything in like media for 12 year olds, that type of person. And that's part of why she's burned out at her art school. Like she, she hasn't discovered like, how to make art that really like resonates with anyone, like even herself. So that's why she comes to this town. And that's like, the biggest thing are thematically in the story that's going to change is her she's gonna find out, like, how to make art that matters. Oh, that makes, you know, you know, I was wondering why and our student why she or a student, it's just like, felt like it was just like a little more. Ah, it's, it's very, very important. Because, like I said, like, she has to learn how to make art that matters. And like, for that you have to, like, figure out like, what matters in your life to like, you know, what you want to impart on people? What's like your thing, what, like, you really want to focus on. And for Luna, that means like, she starts his story with like, kind of no direction, like she doesn't, she doesn't really like have a strong personality. And like, that's why she gets sent to like, fight the mafia. Um, you know, she has to, like, figure out what's important to her life and like, just everything, like form a personality, stop saying Marvel things and just, like be her own person. That's what it sounds like. She has to find her voice. Yes. By and magic is like creating art. Yeah, yeah. So she's really making a different form of art. As just much more than Oh, it's magic, but it sounds more like does it mean is it meaningful? Yeah, I mean, that sounds like like the whole curse. You know, taking on a curse you got to balance out it's meaningful. It's much more than just getting what you want. But there's this reality is this is a reality check. Where you give there's gonna be consequences, things are taken from you. And that's that

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Sounds very wonderful, beautiful, to be honest, because that's what it is, you know, it's not like, oh, I, you draw something and you're

Unknown Speaker 20:08
out there in the world, but there's gonna be things taken from you. And maybe it's people are not gonna like your art. Exactly. That's a consequence. Yeah, that's, that's one of the biggest things is like the fear of like, getting anything out there and like being judged on it like that is one of her greatest fears. And I think like most artists, like one of the greatest fears, like, it's not like, you know, you wake up and you're like, oh, I should publish a webcomic. And you're like, fine with that. Like, you have to like, think like, Okay, what if people react this way? What about the audience here? What about this and like, a lot of people are, like, kind of terrified that like something, you know, something negative will happen. Like I see other artists who are like, they don't say it exactly. That way you can tell like, they feel like, what if I make this thing and it's like, not good enough. And they played play stuff, like too safe, and they like, they clearly don't like, feel something or they're holding something back. And like, that's the type of thing that like Lumina makes. And that like, I really want to impress on people who read the comic, like, Don't do this. Be your own person. Just put it out there. So that's all you're trying to say. How about you as an artist? How was you kind of mentioned the web? You didn't wake up? It sounds like yeah, I'm gonna do webcomic what pushed you to do it? Um, I was just like, I really need to, like, tell some sort of story. And

Unknown Speaker 21:23
like, a lot of people do that. They're like, oh, I need to tell a story. And they're like, What do I like? I like fantasy. I liked avatar as a kid. I see so many people based stuff on Avatar The Last Airbender for like, I don't know why it's crucial, though. Yeah, it's a good show. But like, so many people just like do it. Again, same power system, seeing this three act structure, hero's journey, nothing like no new spin. So I was like, what? Like, what do I want to like, impart that's, like, super meaningful and like, so I went with, like, art students like you. It's kind of like circular. Like, I went with an art student who has to, like find their voice to like, find a voice and everything about the story. Um, but yeah, it was a lot of just like, what's meaningful to me? And like, what do I think like, what do I want people to like, learn if they like, read the story and really, like took it to heart and like, yeah, no, that's wonderful. You know, your heart you have an objective. Yeah, but fun. You know, like shoving it down people's throats. Like, be your own person. Yeah. It's very light. And I always love that word. It's like subtle. And I mean, it sounds like when we read Lunas journey, we're gonna get the little message here. And I like it. increments, you know, and be like, oh, yeah, she's fine. Art. That's mad. Yeah. What does it mean? It's meaningful, you know, by the end of it will be like, so that's what was really about, like, my the end like, I really like Luna. Like, I know, like, where all her stuff ends. Um, I hope so. Yeah. Well, I know it like very well, like the whole like, the last act is like, basically, crystal clear in my mind, like, mostly like, I know, the big final fight. And like, I know, the final moment. There's, there's actually a spoiler for it in chapter one. Like, it's so well foreshadowed, you will like pick it up like years later, and you'll be like, Oh my God. It's, um, it's,

Unknown Speaker 23:12
it's early on in the chapter. I'll say that first half, I feel like we're gonna see it, no matter no matter who's reading. They're gonna be like,

Unknown Speaker 23:19
there hasn't been a fight final act. I actually, I think it's subtle enough. It might go over people maybe, okay, there's, there's a lot of foreshadowing, but the thing I mean, specifically is like the last chapter is genuinely foreshadowed, like within the first half of the first chapter, so is amazing. Well, so how long is this gonna be the webcomic? You know, how you gonna stretch it? Oh, um, it's going to be however long it needs to be, but like, probably like, at least 100 chapters, like, because, yeah, the plan is like, the first chapter is 24 pages. There's three chapters of prologue at first. Okay, so I don't really have like a hard page count for that. I would like to keep it at 24 just for like consistency consistency with the next two. And after that, I'm gonna take like, a couple months break like, I'm not going to be taking a break. I'm wrong constantly. Oh, I know. Yeah. But I'm throwing like a big like couple months long buffer and then like, after after, that's like, there's enough buffer. I'm, I'm releasing swallow page chapters, every three weeks are beginning sometime in next year, probably. Okay. So right now, it was just prologue, kind of getting set up with the story. And then after that, chapter one I get on the same Luna is when she and her live, and then we're gonna find out about Brooke Yeah, then she'll eventually go into the town. Yeah. And but no, she goes into town chapter one. Yeah, the first the first 1413 pages are her like getting into town like it's a super long journey, just like talking to Brooke on the phone. Because that's another thing I really wanted in my story was a long road trip. I took so many road trips as a kid and I loved it and it was

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Like, one of the biggest creative influences me on me probably. Because like this, just like this freedom you get when you're like, in the middle of nowhere or like somewhere you've never been and it's like these people you'll never see again. Like it was gas station in the middle of nowhere. It's sort of energy. And that that leaves a mark on you. Yeah, it leaves a very important impression because you're like, here you are now you like remember that gas station years ago, put that into the webcams. zactly it's so much of the comic draws from like real life, like just random stuff. Like, there was

Unknown Speaker 25:35
a road strip that me and my family went on when I was like, 15, or something. And we were driving back to town, like on one of the highways here. I'm like, because, you know, it's Las Vegas, we got like rocks everywhere and nothing around us. We're driving back and like on one of these like little, little mountains, like little hills, someone did like this huge piece of graffiti that like no one will ever see is like hours out of town. And that's stuck with me that like someone was here. And they drew this thing, they left some sort of mark someone spent hours of their life making this thing, just so that you can see it on a road trip driving by for like, two minutes. And that type of thing stuck with me. So hi. I can't wait to see those memories. And those very important pressures kind of show up in the webcam, because I'm going to now be reading a course. Yeah, probably gonna read it after this. Because it's out now. Right? Yeah, you said it before. Okay. All global comics, tapis. And webtoon. is where it's out. It's also on Tumblr as well. Nice. I go on read webtoon. So yeah, I'm gonna look you up after I prefer global comics because I I do not like the vertical scroll type of comics. And the resolution is extremely small. It makes some of the panels in chapter one kind of hard to read. Like there's, there's one like spread on page seven and eight on Chapter One that like, it's kind of hard to read on global comics as well, because I didn't know the site existed I thought like nowhere supported, um, spreads for web comics. But the text on webtoon is like so small. It's like almost unreadable on the discord conversation between them.

Unknown Speaker 27:11
It's okay, we're gonna be able to just magnify Yeah, or it might be fine. Yeah, I mean, I checked, I've asked people they're like, it's really hard to because the resolution is so small, you have to have like, 800 pixels by 800, like wide. So it's like a super tiny image. I don't know why they do that, like webtoon and tapis are not my main priorities. I'm just like, doing what I want and putting it up there. And like, the plan is after the prologue, like I'll have some sort of, like, cheap site where like, I just put everything up, like, you know, I get one of those, like, pre made sites, basically, customize it, and it's like, okay, go to Spirit falls website, and I like funnel people. Well, that's the goal. Like right now you're just kind of throwing it everywhere. And then eventually, you can get like a fan base or get like a readership. And you're like, Okay,

Unknown Speaker 27:56
I'll get the rest is gonna be on my own website. Yeah. Because eventually, you just have full control. Don't worry about resolution, that would be nice. But I mean, I don't think it's gonna get like that popular. I hope it will, you know, but like, that's another theme of the comic is like being realistic with like, what your art is gonna get, like, you know, Luna is not going to be the next Picasso, she's not going to be well known. She is like, a fandom artist online, she can get like, maybe like, a couple 100,000 followers, like for that and like, then she asked to, like find work in the industry, you know? Um, but yeah, that it's mostly just like, I'm doing what I'm doing. Like, for now with the prologue just like, I don't really care about the popularity right now, because I know, like, it's gonna be like, four to six months between ladies huge chapter releases. Um, so that's why I'm like, okay, the marketing doesn't matter until like, the buffer is happening and like, the releases are like, on on schedule, like we can do like a normal release. So the prologue is just like, kind of, yeah, it's it comes out when it comes out in a couple months, check it out. I do kind of plan on dropping like chunks if next chapters, just when they're done like EarthWise because they're like, they're really long, like chapter two. Currently, I keep trying to cut it down, like two more pages. It's going to be 30 pages long. And that's like a lot. So yeah, the plan is just kind of like, okay, this scene like kind of stands on its own. I'll put it up and then like, you know, the next one stands on its own. I'll put that up, you know, in order. And then once the whole thing is done, just like merge those on like one chapter two, like it's not like this is chapter three or whatever. It's just like, No, this is more chapter two and chapter two when it's done. The smart though, because you kind of giving people like little bites. Yeah, it's good. When it's come out again. Eventually it'd be like, here's a whole thing. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:47
Thanks for listening. Catch us again every Wednesday at 6pm on the rebel nya 1.5 HD two

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